Billions of dollars are spent by Americans each year on cosmetic procedures and minimally invasive surgeries with the goal of achieving beauty. Whether it’s fighting the natural effects of aging, genetics, or circumstances, the wonderful advancements in cosmetic medicine allow those who seek to achieve beauty to have a wide range of choices for any troublesome issues that come up. 

One very popular category of procedures is fat loss and “fat-melting lasers.” This can include liposuction and a variety of laser fat removal treatments that can help sculpt troublesome areas that hold more fat than desired. 

While diet and exercise are the most natural ways to achieve your ideal body physique, sometimes the obstacles (genetics, lifestyle, conditions, etc.) are too much and laser treatments can speed up the results. However, there are always some concerns around does laser lipo work or if the results are less than ideal. One of the more popular laser treatments for weight loss is SculpSure and here’s how it works.

FDA-approved SculpSure Treatment

In 2015, SculpSure body contouring was approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a noninvasive laser treatment that targets fat cells of certain regions of the body. Cynosure, the parent company, worked closely with the FDA on a multitude of clinical trials to prove the effectiveness and that treatments meet the rigorous safety standards for use on patients. Since its approval, SculpSure has gained tremendous popularity because of the results that patients get. 

How SculpSure Works

SculpSure is a noninvasive, laser-based treatment that targets and reduces or eliminates troublesome fat cells in certain areas of the body. The approved regions for treatment include:

  • Thighs
  • Back
  • Obliques (“love handles”)
  • Hips
  • Abdomen
  • Upper Arms
  • Neck

The treatment lasts around 25 minutes per session and can target more than one region per session. SculpSure, a lipolysis or fat-eliminating procedure, works by utilizing a hands-free heat laser belt that emits specific wavelengths that heat up the fat cells. 

The laser is a 1060-nanometer diode laser that produces up to 116.6 degrees Fahrenheit, which is hot enough to kill the fat cells beneath the skin but not hot enough to damage the surrounding tissues. During the treatment, the laser will alternate between heat and cooling temperatures to ensure the most comfortable experience possible. 

Once the treatment is completed, over the following 12 weeks, the patient’s lymphatic system will remove the dead and damaged fat cells, thus reducing the amount of fat in the region. If the desired results have not been achieved, follow-up treatments can be done 6-12 weeks after the first treatment to allow enough time for the body to process and remove the dead cells. 

How SculpSure Works


SculpSure’s Treatment Results

What makes SculpSure’s results better than other noninvasive, lipolysis laser treatments is what the laser and heat do to the fat cells themselves. 

For example, Zerona is a competitor treatment that uses heat to liquefy the contents of the fat cells, after which the body removes the material to shrink the size of the cells. 

SculpSure differs and provides better results because the laser temperatures actually damage the structure of the fat cells and ultimately kill the cells. For patients with a BMI of less than 30, SculpSure can be very beneficial, and patients can expect to see reductions of fat up to 24% in the targeted areas. 

For decades, Dr. Andrew Krinsky has been helping patients achieve the results they desire in the Fort Lauderdale area. By providing the industry’s latest procedures to his patients, like SculpSure, Dr. Krinsky has established himself as not only an exceptional OB/GYN but also a top-notch provider of results-based cosmetic procedures. 

Do not wait any longer to achieve the body you have always desired, call Dr. Krinsky’s office or visit our page on SculpSure today and schedule your consultation.